The IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society is pleased to announce the 40th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, to be held in Honolulu, Hawaii from July 17-21, 2018. The theme of the meeting is “Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future”, inspired by the 40th anniversary of the world’s largest international biomedical engineering meeting. Consistent with our theme, we have arranged plenary keynotes from leading industrial and academic scientists, who will give forward looking visions as well as historical perspectives on our field. A broad array of scientific tracks will cover diverse topics of cutting-edge research and innovation in biomedical engineering, healthcare technology R&D, translational clinical research, technology transfer and entrepreneurship, and biomedical engineering education. In addition to the high-profile keynotes, the conference program will feature mini symposia, workshops, invited sessions, oral and poster sessions, sessions for students and young professions, sessions for clinicians and entrepreneurs, and exhibits from vendors and universities.
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