The Center for Reproducible Biomedical Modeling develops tutorials in order to disseminate educational material focused on the practical use of modeling software and theoretical explorations of modeling theory. An archive of tutorial materials, which includes but is not limited to videos and links to code, data, and model repositories is maintained below.
Winter 2023 Schedule
Day | AM/ PM | Theme | Instructor |
Wednesday 2/8/23 |
2 PM – 3 PM PDT | Introduction to particle-based modeling in Tissue Forge | T.J. Sego |
Wednesday 2/8/23 |
3 PM – 4 PM PDT | Introduction to parameter fitting using roadrunner and Julia | Michael Kochen |
Wednesday 3/8/23 |
2 PM – 3 PM PDT | Introduction to spatial modeling | Steve Andrews |
Wednesday 3/8/23 |
3 PM – 4 PM PDT | Modeling neurological systems with recurrent neural networks in Python | Veronica Porubsky |
Fall 2022 Schedule
Day | AM/ PM | Theme | Instructor |
Wednesday 11/9/22 |
2 PM – 3 PM PDT | Intro to Tellurium | Lilly Tatka |
Wednesday 11/9/22 |
3 PM – 4 PM PDT | Using Antimony: Introductory and Advanced | Lucian Smith |
Wednesday 12/7/22 |
2 PM – 3 PM PDT | Introduction to metabolic control analysis | Janis Shin |
Wednesday 12/7/22 |
3 PM – 4 PM PDT | Visualizing reaction networks using SBMLDiagrams | Jin Xu |
The tutorial series will happen twice per quarter. If you are interested in the practical use of modeling software and theoretical explorations of modeling theory, please do not hesitate to join us. Please join the Google group Cell-Modeling Seminar for further notifications of the Sauro lab tutorials.
Please also let us know if you have any advice to improve the tutorials.
Jin Xu and Herbert M. Sauro organize the tutorial series. Hunter Robbins maintains the website. We appreciate the generous financial support of NIH U24-EB028887.