The International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) is a premier conference series in systems biology, organized by the International Society for Systems Biology and hosted by leading research institutions around the world. The most recent ICSB were held in Japan (2019), France (2018), USA (2017), and Spain (2016). ICSB 2020 will be held in Hartford, Connecticut, USA, on Oct 10 – 15, 2020. Detailed information is available at https://www.systems-biology.org/2021/03/biosb-2020.html.
Workshops and tutorials will take place on Saturday, October 10, 2020 (whole day) and Sunday, October 11, 2020 (morning). They may also take place on Thursday, October 15, 2020 in the afternoon (after the main conference end) in case a large number of workshops are accepted.
Computational Tools
Cancer Systems Biology
Developmental Biology & Differentiation
Microbial Systems Ecology / Microbiome
Plant Systems Biology
Single Cell Analyses
Spatial organization and dynamics
Synthetic Biology
Systems Immunology
Systems Medicine
Systems Pharmacology
Whole-body Physiological Models
The title
Names and affiliations of main organizers
Motivation and rationale
Proposed length and preferred day/time
Anticipated number of participants/room requirements
A description of the workshop/tutorial format
A timeline for inviting and accepting presenters and attendees
A detailed list of the equipment required
Any other relevant information to your proposal