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You are invited to attend a week-long summer school on network modeling, which will conclude with a symposium of research and modeling tool talks to demonstrate how the skills you learn are being used in research settings. This summer school is designed to take beginner and intermediate level modelers through the main tasks required in a robust network modeling study. The sessions are practical and show attendees how to implement each task with code.

In addition to the practical skills gained in the course, we hope you will expand your professional network and modeling community by connecting with other participants.

You will learn to:

  • Write biochemical models using Tellurium and the Antimony modeling language
  • Simulate your models with Tellurium and libRoadRunner
  • Estimate model parameters with SBstoat
  • Verify and validate your models with sbmllint
  • Export your models and simulations in standard formats like SBML and SED-ML
  • Share your models in repositories like the BioModels Database

Hear from our invited speakers:

To register:

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