The 24th Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology will be sponsored by the Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling (CCAM) at the University Of Connecticut School Of Medicine on February 13 – 15, 2023. It will be an intense online event designed to enable cell biologists and biophysicists to develop models of their experimental system using Virtual Cell, COPASI, and SpringSalaD software systems. The workshop will include a combination of plenary sessions and breakout sessions for one-on-one model building. For pre-selected participants, we will provide “hands-on” help developing models in support of their individual research. Throughout the 3 days, there will be opportunities for participants to describe their own modeling projects.

The workshop is free. However, to be admitted please email the following information to by Jan. 13: your name, institution, lab head (if you are a student), research field and responses to the following 4 questions.

1. Which of the software systems will be of immediate value in your research:
b. Virtual Cell
c. SpringSaLaD

2. Are you:
a. A novice at modeling who can benefit from general introductions to kinetic and reaction-diffusion systems?
b. An experienced modeler interested in advanced topics?

3. Do you have a modeling project that you would like to work on with our help? If so, please send us a title and a short (~1 page) description of your project explaining the research question you wish to address and how modeling can help. This will allow us to determine if the current implementations of the Virtual Cell, COPASI or SpringSaLaD are applicable to your project.

4. VCell and COPASI support many advanced modeling techniques. Please list such approaches you may be interested in learning more about.

A separate in-person workshop is planned for June 26 – 28, 2023 in Farmington, CT, USA; watch for more details.

Funding provided by NIH Grant R24 GM137787