Volume 3 of the Center’s newsletter is now available!

The newsletter describes the CRBM’s recent progress in the creation of new tools, its outreach efforts to the larger community, as well as ongoing partnerships with journals for more reproducible science.

It features Eran Agmon’s work on Vivarium, Adel Heydarabadipour’s work with SBMLNetwork and Alcuin, and Michael Blinov’s VNGLVIZ Visualization of Rule-based Models and his article on Molclustpy: Characterization of Multivalent Biomolecular Clusters.

Lastly, a list of the Center’s latest publications is included for those who are interested in learning more.

This newsletter was made with the generous support of the NIBIB and NIGMS of the National Institutes of Health.

Click on the preview image to read/download the newsletter!