SysMod at ISMB/ECCB 2021 features keynote talks by
  • Ruth E. Baker: “Identifiability and inference for models in mathematical biology,”
  • Ines Thiele: “Whole-body metabolic modeling provides novel insight into host-microbiome crosstalk,” and
  • Boris N. Kholodenko: “Structure-based dynamic modeling reveals ways to overcome kinase inhibitor resistance and oncogenic RAS signaling and oncogenic RAS signaling.”

Dedicated sessions on the following topics will lead to new insights into the field and a broad discussion:

  1. Disease and multi-scale modeling
  2. Infectious disease modeling
  3. Integrative approaches and methodologies
  4. Structure-based dynamic modeling

These sessions include 17 contributed talks and an open table discussion. In addition, a presentation of 23 posters in the form of short talk videos.

Finally, we are also looking forward to a virtual social event and the poster award.

Registration is now open at The early registration discount ends by July 9th.

The team of SysMod coordinators:
Matteo Barberis · University of Surrey, UK
Marc Birtwistle · Clemson University, US
Laurence Calzone · Curie Institute, Paris, FR
Claudine Chaouiya · Aix-Marseille University, FR
Andreas Dräger · University of Tübingen, DE
Jan Hasenauer · University of Bonn, DE
Tomáš Helikar · University of Nebraska–Lincoln, US
Jonathan Karr · Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, US
Anna Niarakis · Université dʼ Evry Val dʼ Essonne, FR
María Rodríguez Martínez · IBM, Zurich Research Laboratory, CH
Julio Saez-Rodriguez · University of Heidelberg, DE
Juilee Thakar · University of Rochester, US