
Supporting Computational Reproducibility Through Code Review

Code is at the heart of computational social and behavioral science. To increase code reliability and reproducibility, Nature Human Behavior is implementing formal peer review of the code behind computational models whenever they are essential to published research. They ask authors to prepare and store their code with readability, transparency, and future replicability in mind.

2021-08-25T23:22:52-07:00August 23rd, 2021|Front Page News, News|

Virtual COMBINE 2021 To Take Place Virtually Oct. 11-15

Virtual Registration is now open for Combine 2021. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, COMBINE 2021 will be an online (virtual) meeting from October 11th (Monday) to October 15th (Friday). Organizers are providing a robust schedule that takes into account all time zones around the world, a real 24 hour conference. The "Computational Modeling in [...]

2021-10-06T22:22:03-07:00August 18th, 2021|Front Page News, News|

APS Rigor and Reproducibility Program

The American Physiological Society (APS) announced it will provide authors with improved guidance for article submission. Research articles published in APS journals are expected to report experimental methods in sufficient detail to allow for transparency of data and replication by others. The ability of others to reproduce results validates original findings and can advance research. [...]

2021-07-09T15:15:44-07:00July 9th, 2021|Front Page News, News|

SysMod at ISMB/ECCB 2021

SysMod at ISMB/ECCB 2021 features keynote talks by Ruth E. Baker: “Identifiability and inference for models in mathematical biology,” Ines Thiele: “Whole-body metabolic modeling provides novel insight into host-microbiome crosstalk,” and Boris N. Kholodenko: “Structure-based dynamic modeling reveals ways to overcome kinase inhibitor resistance and oncogenic RAS signaling and oncogenic RAS signaling.” Dedicated sessions on the [...]

2023-02-13T11:38:49-08:00June 25th, 2021|Front Page News, News|

Seeking participants for the 2021 SPARC FAIR Codeathon

Seeking participants for the 2021 SPARC FAIR Codeathon, due June 25th! Help make SPARC data, tools, and resources more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable in this in-the-cloud codeathon that runs from July 12-26, 2021. In this codeathon, exciting projects which use SPARC data and/or SPARC tools and resources in novel ways, particularly in enhancing, demonstrating, or measuring the findability, accessibility, [...]

2021-06-29T09:33:16-07:00June 21st, 2021|Front Page News, News|

Practical Resources for Enhancing the Reproducibility of Mechanistic Modeling in Systems Biology

The Center for Reproducible Biomedical Modeling has a new publication, Practical Resources for Enhancing the Reproducibility of Mechanistic Modeling in Systems Biology. It is now available on ResearchGate. Authors: Michael Blinov, John Gennari, Jonathan Karr, Ion Moraru, David Nickerson, Herbert Sauro Highlights • Reproducibility is critical to the advancement of computational modeling. • The current [...]

2021-06-14T14:39:35-07:00June 10th, 2021|Front Page News, News|

2021 Network Modeling Summer School and Symposium July 19-23, 2021

Click to enlarge flyer. You are invited to attend a week-long summer school on network modeling, which will conclude with a symposium of research and modeling tool talks to demonstrate how the skills you learn are being used in research settings. This summer school is designed to take beginner and intermediate level modelers [...]

2021-05-10T20:03:51-07:00May 10th, 2021|Front Page News, News|

Upcoming Virtual Talk with Dr. Peter Hunter

The Center for Reproducible Biomedical Modeling would like to invite you to a talk by Auckland Bioengineering Institute's Dr. Peter Hunter entitled, "12 Labours: Extending the Physiome Project to the clinic and to home-based healthcare”. Distinguished Professor Peter Hunter of the Auckland Bioengineering Institute was recognized at the University of Auckland's Research Awards, winning a Vice-Chancellor's [...]

2021-06-01T10:08:36-07:00April 16th, 2021|Front Page News, News|

AI researcher creates a list of non-reproducible machine learning papers

The Next Web (TNW) just published an interesting story addressing the problem of centralizing ongoing attempts of reproducibility. Could centralization save tremendous amounts of time and energy? “'Unreproducible work wastes the time and effort of well-meaning researchers, and authors should strive to ensure at least one public implementation of their work exists,' ContributionSecure14, who preferred [...]

2021-03-10T15:21:45-08:00March 10th, 2021|Front Page News, News|
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