
Bridging Multiscale Modeling Workshop July 19th

Ohio Union Building at Ohio State University The Immunobiology and Infection subgroup, the Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB), and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) are organizing a half-day workshop on Bridging multiscale modeling and practical clinical applications in infectious diseases. The workshop will take place during the 2023 SMB [...]

2023-03-23T13:04:58-07:00March 20th, 2023|Front Page News, News|

Building Immune Digital Twins Workshop May 15-June 2

The workshop “Building Immune Digital Twins” will be held in person at the Institut Pascal, at the Saclay campus, Paris area, France, from the 15th of May to the 2nd of June, 2023. The aim of this ambitious workshop is to bring together researchers across disciplines to discuss challenges in medical digital twins. The workshop [...]

2023-03-23T11:29:25-07:00March 15th, 2023|Front Page News, News|

HARMONY 2023 – Registration is Now Open

Registration is now open for HARMONY 2023! Save the date for Harmony 2023 Date: April 24th to April 27th, 2023 Place: University of Washington - Seattle, WA (USA) HARMONY 2023 will be an in-person meeting. The Computational Modeling in Biology Network (COMBINE) is an initiative to coordinate the development of the various community standards and [...]

2023-03-23T13:03:26-07:00March 9th, 2023|Front Page News, News, Research project|

CRBM Collaboration with Computational Modeling Core

The Center for Reproducible Biomedical Modeling will collaborate with the Computational Modeling Core of the NIEHS-funded Superfund Research Program at Michigan State University ( The Computational Modeling Core develops PBPK models and AhR-mediated dynamical pathway models for dioxin-like compounds to better understand and predict their health outcomes associated with liver injury, thyroid hormone disruption, and [...]

2023-02-21T13:36:40-08:00February 17th, 2023|Front Page News, News|

2023 IMAG/MSM Consortium Meeting – June 28-29

The Multiscale Modeling Consortium celebrates 20 years of IMAG: Lessons from the past that guide the future Save the date! June 28th- 29th, 2023 NIH Campus, Bethesda, Maryland Meeting Themes • Evolution and Success of the IMAG/MSM – see what IMAG has accomplished in its 20-year history and what lessons can be gleaned from the [...]

2023-02-21T13:31:01-08:00February 16th, 2023|Front Page News, News|

Read The Center’s Second Newsletter!

Volume 2 of the Center's newsletter is now available! The newsletter describes the CRBM's newest team members, recent progress in the creation of new tools, its outreach efforts to the larger community, as well as ongoing partnerships with journals for more reproducible science. It features Herbert Sauro's article on Iridium, Lillian Tatka's work on [...]

2024-07-05T21:37:47-07:00January 24th, 2023|Front Page News, News|

CRBM Hosts HARMONY 2023 April 24th – 27th, 2023

Save the date for Harmony 2023 Date: April 24th to April 27th, 2023 Place: University of Washington - Seattle, WA (USA) HARMONY 2023 will be an in-person meeting. The Computational Modeling in Biology Network (COMBINE) is an initiative to coordinate the development of the various community standards and formats in systems biology, synthetic biology, and [...]

2023-02-21T13:32:46-08:00January 20th, 2023|Front Page News, News|

2023 CCB Workshop to be held February 13-15

The 24th Annual Workshop on Computational Cell Biology will be sponsored by the Center for Cell Analysis and Modeling (CCAM) at the University Of Connecticut School Of Medicine on February 13 - 15, 2023. It will be an intense online event designed to enable cell biologists and biophysicists to develop models of their experimental system [...]

2023-02-21T14:34:57-08:00December 12th, 2022|Front Page News, News|

Computational Cell Biology Workshop Feb. 13-15

- PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD The workshop is free. However, to be admitted please email the following information to by Jan. 13: your name, institution, lab head (if you are a student), research field and responses to the following 4 questions. Which of the software systems will be of immediate value in your research: a. COPASI b. [...]

2023-01-20T14:37:43-08:00December 8th, 2022|Front Page News, News|

Number-crunching math models may give policy makers major headache

"Mathematical models that predict policy-driving scenarios—such as how a new pandemic might spread or the future amount of irrigation water needed worldwide—may be too complex and delivering ''wrong" answers, a new study reveals." Researchers from the Universities of Birmingham, Princeton, Reading, Barcelona and Bergen published their findings this week in Science Advances. They reveal that [...]

2022-10-19T16:11:02-07:00October 19th, 2022|Front Page News, News|
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